Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
About Our Company
The Great Place To Work® Institute, is an independent research and consulting company that is dedicated to building a better society by helping companies transform their workplaces. Through our research we identify Best Workplaces and produce lists of “Best Companies/ Workplaces”.

I am using the password supplied to me, but I cannot log in. What should I do?

The survey for your company may have been closed to further entries. The closing date for the online survey was provided in your invitation email. If it is before midnight on the indicated closing date, you may be entering your password incorrectly. If you received your login ID in an email, the easiest solution is to copy and paste it directly into the Login ID field, making sure not to capture any trailing spaces or extra characters in the process. If you cannot cut and paste it, double check that you are entering the Login ID exactly as it was provided to you. Note that the Login ID should be a string of ten alpha-numeric characters only.

If you still receive a login error, contact the helpdesk for India's Best Companies to Work For at or for Sri Lanka's Best Companies to Work For at   

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What is the timeframe for the survey?

Typically, the valid timeframe for the web-based survey is 2 weeks from the day that you received your survey invitation and unique password. The specific closing date for your survey was included in your invitation email.

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I copied the password from a coworker, but I cannot log in. Why not?

Passwords for your survey site are unique and cannot be re-used or shared.

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Where did you get my email address?

Your company either has engaged the services of Great Place to Work® Institute to do a consulting survey or is participating in one of our studies. Your email id has been provided by your company for administration of the survey. Your email will be securely held by Great Place to Work® Institute and will be destroyed upon the completion of the survey project.

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What happens to my responses once I submit the survey?

Your responses go directly to the Great Place To Work® Institute. We will use them as part of the evaluation for your company to prepare a report. Individual responses will not be disclosed at any time to your organization. It is also possible that you are taking this survey as a part of one of our Studies to identify Best Workplaces.The responses to the employee survey account for the majority of the selection criteria in these Studies, so your participation is essential to the success of this project!

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How do you ensure only the employees who are selected to participate in the survey will complete the survey?

Only employees who are selected to participate in the employee survey have received a unique password to access the online survey. The passwords may only be used once, so only those employees who received a unique password can gain access to the online survey.

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What precautions can I take to ensure no one can capture my responses from my browser window or over the internet?

After completing all or part of a survey, you should close your browser window to avoid anyone viewing your responses by using the "back" button or history function of your browser. If you share a computer, for your protection, you should log off of the machine prior to a new user completing the survey.

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Will my answers be shared with my supervisor/company?

No. The Great Place To Work® Institute is committed to protecting the confidentiality of each individual respondent. Written comments may be shared with your company in aggregate. The comments will be edited to remove any identifying information (such as individual names, work units, job titles, or any other personal information which may identify an individual respondent). Please read our privacy policy for more information.

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How do you protect my identity?

1. All surveys go directly to the Great Place to Work® Institute for analysis. No one at your company sees individual surveys or responses, unless necessary to protect the physical safety of someone. Read our privacy policy for more information.

2. The raw data from your surveys stays at the Great Place To Work® Institute. We collect and store all of the data we receive in a secure server. You are not required to include any personal identification information with the survey. Your email address, will be discarded once the survey administration process is complete.

3. Data is only reported for demographic groups containing 5 or more responses. If there are fewer than 5 respondents in a single demographic category, we will not report the data back to your company. For example if there are four responses for the demographic option indicating that a person has worked for the company for >20 years, we will not report that data by itself.

4. Written comments may be shared with your company in aggregate. The comments will be edited to remove any identifying information (such as individual names, work units, job titles, or any other personal information which may identify an individual respondent). You may wish to view our privacy policy document for even more information about our approach to protecting your survey responses.

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Why do you ask about personal demographics?

In order to better understand your workplace, we need to be able to group responses into some general categories. This information is used solely for evaluation purposes and no individual information will be shared with anyone at your company.

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I don't understand one of the survey statements?

We cannot provide you with any specific guidance on how to interpret the survey statements. Do your best to interpret the statement, and if you feel that cannot answer it, you can always leave it blank.

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Whom do I contact if I have a question that is not answered here?

If you have questions at any time, you may contact us at the Great Place to Work® Institute, India at +91-022-66105544 & Great Great Place to Work® Institute, Sri Lanka at +94-779990955.

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© Great Place to Work® Institute, India